Dear oh dear……
Just a follow up on the silly Michelle Boag saga.
This week’s edition of the ‘Weak Link’ must be it’s best read in ages, with people who would usually ignore the flimsy little rag as it deserves tuning in to see if it’s ‘Editor’ might wish to add his thoughts to the hilarity surrounding his wife’s gaffe last weekend.
Sure enough, Merv just had to make a reply. But we’ll get to that in a minute. Firstly though, what a sad state the Weak Link is in! Like most people, I’ve avoided reading it for the last year or two. After all, who needs to read stuff like that? The editorials, which are about the only real content the paper has, are always telling us what worthless hippies we all are and how we need to stop getting in the way of the important business of making Waiheke as much like the Gold Coast as possible.
I’ve had a notice on my letter box for ages, asking that the Weak Link not be deposited therein. I took it down last week. Not because I actually want the wretched thing, but we have a new puppy, imperfectly housetrained, and right now we need all the absorbent material we can get.
If ever there was a publication that needs putting out of its misery, its this one. For sheer lack of useful content the Weak Link takes some beating. All the fire has gone from it and it would presumably have died a death were some fat cat not propping it up with regular cash injections. I looked for adverts from local businesses so that I might avoid them in future, but found few.
Anyway…the ‘Editorial’ was a disappointment. Merv just waffles on about how tiresome it is that the peasants seem to have such a problem with his wife using our rescue helicopter for her own purposes. Predictably though, he finishes with that vexatious modern cliché about how its time to ‘Move On’.
Oh wonderful. Notice how prominent people love using that tired crap whenever they have been publicly shamed and want it to stop?
I found myself wondering if it had been Mike Lee or the splendid Faye Storer that had been abusing the public’s trust in this way, would Merv be airily dismissing the whole business and telling us it was time to move on?
It's possible. But then pigs might fly and the Weak Link become readable too.
Just a follow up on the silly Michelle Boag saga.
This week’s edition of the ‘Weak Link’ must be it’s best read in ages, with people who would usually ignore the flimsy little rag as it deserves tuning in to see if it’s ‘Editor’ might wish to add his thoughts to the hilarity surrounding his wife’s gaffe last weekend.
Sure enough, Merv just had to make a reply. But we’ll get to that in a minute. Firstly though, what a sad state the Weak Link is in! Like most people, I’ve avoided reading it for the last year or two. After all, who needs to read stuff like that? The editorials, which are about the only real content the paper has, are always telling us what worthless hippies we all are and how we need to stop getting in the way of the important business of making Waiheke as much like the Gold Coast as possible.
I’ve had a notice on my letter box for ages, asking that the Weak Link not be deposited therein. I took it down last week. Not because I actually want the wretched thing, but we have a new puppy, imperfectly housetrained, and right now we need all the absorbent material we can get.
If ever there was a publication that needs putting out of its misery, its this one. For sheer lack of useful content the Weak Link takes some beating. All the fire has gone from it and it would presumably have died a death were some fat cat not propping it up with regular cash injections. I looked for adverts from local businesses so that I might avoid them in future, but found few.
Anyway…the ‘Editorial’ was a disappointment. Merv just waffles on about how tiresome it is that the peasants seem to have such a problem with his wife using our rescue helicopter for her own purposes. Predictably though, he finishes with that vexatious modern cliché about how its time to ‘Move On’.
Oh wonderful. Notice how prominent people love using that tired crap whenever they have been publicly shamed and want it to stop?
I found myself wondering if it had been Mike Lee or the splendid Faye Storer that had been abusing the public’s trust in this way, would Merv be airily dismissing the whole business and telling us it was time to move on?
It's possible. But then pigs might fly and the Weak Link become readable too.
At 12:07 AM,
Mark James said…
Congratulations on your new blog, and on not letting Michelle Boag live down her own arrogance. What bothers me most about her use of the rescue helicopter for a personal errand is not just the private appropriation of a public asset, but the number of people that the helicopter woke up at 5 AM, as it roared into the Gordons Road airport. This is just one of a number of delicious ironies. Here is a woman who trumpets her services to the cause of public health, yet her oh-so-busy schedule is more important to her than the health and peaceful sleep of a hundred or so of her Waiheke neighbours. She is a self-described "public relations professional" who didn't foresee the public relations consequences of her own presumptuousness. And now her husband tells us all to get over it and "move on" -- advice that would have been better offered to Michelle herself last Friday: get over it, go home, pick up your own passport, and take a later flight (and save yourself $4000).
But I suppose if you've got $4000 to fritter away on this kind of valet service, you're likely to be unaccustomed to inconvenience of any sort; and concern for one's neighbours is certainly an inconvenient thing, eh, Michelle?
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