Waking Up In A Tub Full Of Ice

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


OK, would everyone, (and I mean EVERYONE) please shut the fuck up about the census!
I know, you are all bent out of shape about not being able to declare yourselves as ‘New Zealanders’. Big deal. I know it’s annoying, but this is Helen Clarke’s Government we are talking about here. What did you expect? When exactly did that dismal woman or any of her crew of smug bullies, cheats, and furtive bicycle seat sniffers ever say anything about caring what you think?
Apart from election time of course, they can’t get enough of you then, but once they are back in power you can all go hang.
If any of you could raise this level of passion over the fact that these people routinely steal up to a third of what you earn each week, waste most of it on fatuous nonsense and then spend their time patronising you while trying to control every facet of your lives I’d be a lot more impressed.

What the hell is all this ‘New Zealander’ stuff anyway? I’ll show you.
Let me hear you say NEW ZEALANDER!
I can’t hear you………
That’s better….
Now let me hear you say BAAAAAAAAAA!

I rest my case.

By going along with this campaign to write in some nonsense in the hope it will annoy the Government, you are just playing into their hands. Divide and rule is their game and this is just what they need.
I have always found, when dealing with impertinent demands for information from slack brained civil servants, that the most effective way to confound them is to give them more, far more, information than they asked for in the first place. This REALLY screws up the system. Personally, I detest the thought that the government wants to know my ethnic background whenever I have to fill out a form. Especially when I consider that, having ticked ‘New Zealander of European origin’, I can then be safely ignored.
So, if they really want to know, I tell them. My two grandmothers were Scottish and Cornish. My Grandfathers were French Huguenot and Jewish. There. I know my family background. And I INSIST that this information be given in full, even if it does require another sheet of paper. What the hell? I paid for the paper. And, I pay the salaries of the sad losers who have to sit and read it.

If I am simply to be lumped in with Spaniards, Italians, Germans or Dutch,(All good eggs in my view, who buy their round and scorn any blithering) then the information would be incorrect! And that would never do. The people at the Ministry would be upset. After all, there is more difference between me and a Pole or Serbian than there is between a Maori and a Cook Islander.
So never mind standing there in the paddock and bleating. Next time some snivelling functionary insists on knowing your ethnic details, give it to them in full and insist that it be noted. A couple of years of that and they will be glad to have us all under the same heading.


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